With pain and illness;
And my spirit broken..
I thought oh God! I 'll never get up again.
I remembered the first few days of illness
When people came in to offer
Sympathy and care;
My sick room had flowers and cards,
entitled "Get well soon".
I smelt the sweet smell of flowers,
And not the odious smell of medicine
Now, I have been lying for too long
Visitors are few,
flowers have ceased to appear
When I look into the window
I see only a dull sky......
I felt I won't get up again.
I think of the past strength
How i struggled at every step
But alas!
All thatSeemed to belong the past.
Brought my medicine with smile
And place his cool hand on my forehead and
said, "you must believe in yourself,
What you could do yesterday,
Why can't you do tomorrow?"
His care ,his love seems to seep into me,
I thought, yes Why not?
I looked into his smiling eyes,
And said,I would try once again......
Then I looked into my window,
The sky was blue.................
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