(courtesy -Google)
Animals and beasts too have feelings, though they may have not any language. If a load on horse or a donkey is too heavy, he just grants or halts in his movements.But Thomas Fuller is not only referring horses .The meaning is wider. Every human being feels that the worries , work loads & responsibilities he carries are much heavier than those of others. Such is human psychology.
We always try to magnify our ailments,work & problems. Whenever some additional is sought to be put on us,we do owe our best to get it shifted to others. On the other hand,we tend to regard our own perks lesser than those of others. Hence, we constantly demand more 'less work and more pay'.It seems to have become everyone's handy slogan.
Basically, we dislike and shirk; we are a nation of shirkers, not of doers.India will go a silent but fateful transformation , if all of us become active and shed our laziness that has brought as much discredit.
In short I would like to conclude with the famous lines of Bollywood song:
"duniya mai Kiana gum Hai mera gum kitana come hai,
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